When disposing of large amounts of construction waste, renting a dumpster to accumulate this waste is the logical solution. Though construction dumpster rentals are more cost-efficient than regular trash cans, you might want to know the costs of renting these containers. It is important to understand that each company offers a unique rate, but always consider the same factors when determining your charges. Below are some elements that determine how much you will pay your construction site dumpster rental company.

1. The Bigger the Container, the Higher the Cost

Like most things, a bigger waste container means you'll spend more money. However, that does not mean you settle for a smaller container than your construction waste demands. That's because a smaller dumpster will force you to lease a second one in the middle of your construction project or get the trash discarded and the container returned to the site. Both these options will significantly increase your costs or even double them. On the other hand, renting a dumpster with significantly more space than you need means paying for unused space. That's why it is important to estimate how much waste you expect to generate during the construction project before choosing a dumpster size.

2. Heavier Items Are Costlier to Haul Away

When disposing of waste in landfills, dumpster rental companies pay a fee depending on the amount and weight of the construction waste. For this reason, these companies will often give a weight limit for each dumpster. Therefore, once you exceed this limit, you'll be charged additional fees, which can quickly add up. So, take your time to determine how heavy your waste materials will be to choose the appropriate weight limit for your container.

3. A Longer Project Demands More Cash

Dumpster rental companies strive to empty their containers regularly to ensure their business runs efficiently. That's why most companies will allow you to rent a container for a few days to a week at minimal costs. So, if you expect your construction work to run for longer, the company will charge additional fees to recover operational costs. A great way to reduce these expenses is by getting everything ready before the container arrives at your location. That way, you can fill the dumpster quickly and pay a small fee. Otherwise, you'll pay for days when the waste container sits unused on your property.

Dumpster rentals offer a convenient, affordable, and environmentally friendly way to eliminate huge piles of construction waste. However, it is important to understand how these companies determine their rental rates to make the most of your dumpster. Fortunately, reliable dumpster rental firms can help you calculate the ideal size of container to choose for your project to prevent additional expenses.  

For more info about construction site dumpster rentals, contact a local company. 
