Simple DIY projects, such as these interior panel installations, require few pieces of equipment. However, if you do not have the equipment, you may need to rent it. The following pieces of equipment are highly recommended for home interior panel installation.

Prying Bar or Claw-Headed Hammer

These two tools are especially helpful with the removal of door trim and baseboards. Use the claw end of the hammer or the prying bar to get under and behind these pieces of trim. Carefully rock the hammer's handle or push the prying bar's handle toward the wall so that you do not split the trim and damage it.

Cement Mixer or Auger Drill Bit and Electric Drill

To make your interior panels stick really well to the wall, you may want to use a little plaster or grout. (The plaster is a good option if you currently have cracks or holes in the wall that need to be filled anyway.) The best way to mix either of these substances is with a portable cement mixer or an auger drill bit and electric drill. If you choose the latter, you should also have a clean plastic bucket in which to mix the chosen substance.

Jig Saw

A few of your panels will require the necessary square or rectangular holes for the outlets and light switches. A jig saw is ideal because it can cut these openings from the center of the opening outward and then along the marked edges of your openings. All other saws would have to cut inward on the panel to cut out these openings, which then leaves your panels very flimsy, fragile and likely to split. Since a jig saw is a stand-alone vertical power saw, make sure you have a flat, level surface on which to stand this saw when you unload it from your truck or trailer.

Circular Saw or Table Saw

A table saw is ideal, since you will need to cut some panels down to size and the table saw's cutting table helps keep the panels flat while the saw cuts them. However, if you cannot rent a table saw, or you just do not think you have enough skill to operate it alone, a circular saw works well, too. Just make sure you have a nice, flat surface on which to set the panels as you cut them and that you have all of the personal protective equipment you need.
